Steph - We are all sunlight

Growing up, I lived between a household near the ocean and an offgrid rural household further north. Being surrounded by the beaches, by bush and gardens, raising animals and traveling too, taught me, no matter how different people’s lives are, we all depend on mother nature. 

Leaving highschool, I completed a BSc, worked for a water treatment company, travelled overseas and have since moved over to freelance writing, social media management and marketing work full time. 

I am lucky to have been born into a time, country and situation where I have so much choice over how I live my life so I try to live as sustainably as possible.  My partner and I live in an almost off-grid tiny home, started a mini garden, shop at markets, bulk bins and second-hand shops as much as we can. 
When I’m not working or studying, I’ll likely be swimming, reading, sharing petitions or working on the tiny home. I support and love Ama because the business is run with people’s health and the planet's health at the forefront. My partner and I have been using Ama products for close to four years and the zinc and balm have travelled with us literally around the world.

Steph Ama Ambassador - Save the treesSteph Ama Ambassador in her Tiny House


Activist Te Reo Maori Tiny House Vegan

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